Low FODMAP Korean Spicy Chicken Stew, known as “Dakdoritang,” is a healthy and hearty comfort food that’s perfect for a cold winter’s night. Unlike the traditional version, it is free of high FODMAP garlic and onions but still packs the punch and hits the spot.
Many IBS sufferers who follow the FODMAP diet realize that they are intolerant of the garlic and onions which are often found in the spicy dishes, not the spices themselves. If you enjoy spicy dishes, this is worth trying. The braised chicken and vegetables are tender and satisfying and the flavors are richly textured.
The stew is cooked in a large heavy pot with a lid. You have the option to use a slow cooker, in which case, be sure to reduce the water by half.
Making Low FODMAP Korean Spicy Chicken Stew
You can opt for any chicken parts you like in the stew – I prefer chicken thighs and drumsticks. Make sure to use a garlic free Gochugaru like Korean Red Chili Flakes, Gochugaru (1 Lb) By Tae-kyung, which is just chili flakes (many common chili powders like McCormick’s contain garlic powder) and a low FODMAP Garlic Infused Olive Oil.